Thursday, May 19, 2011

Minus Mteperatures: air mixed ice breath, sprinkle with minus ten degrees moonlight

Shallow below zero met meditation, when they began a love story. During that time, shallow truly happy a lot. His work was not tired, even tired, also feel very happy, because of meditation.
The memory: the lake below zero with thick ice, reflection and ten degrees below zero of tears.
That day, the lake and the thick ice, ground water also "a layer of ice. He knew, meditation misled him, he felt very sad, sunbeam ice reflected in a fuzzy blue tears.
Minus the breath of the snowflakes: night landing side, rendering minus ten degrees of heart.
Snow, early morning. Shallow carried the head looked at the sky and feel comfortable with a lot of snow. Pondering, perhaps this is rendering parting? JianShui, come on, don't insist again, have no sense. The next day, the roadside leaves, ground frost covered with grass. The distance. The fog of used to spread
Minus luxuriant: blue sea eyes flashing, fixed ten degrees below zero the face.
Late in the afternoon, the light is still on. Meditation is back, she said or want and shallow together. Shallow endure the love for her. One day, two days, she has been looking for shallow, shallow actually isn't blame her, light is not put, so forgive her. They are together again, shallow and feel happy. Shallow don't want to lose her.
Minus encounter: water like soft smile to meet you, ten degrees below zero the genuine.
Under the rain, always march incessantly. The wind blowing on the window in the antique, pa... Pa, shallow feel very noisy. That time, shallow heart be very painful. Want to talk and meditate, happy say a few words. But, meditation changed, like another person as, not imaginary treat was fragile shallow, meditation a smile leave. Then a months, shallow cough hasn't been good, every time I think of meditation to oneself say, shallow heart is like being dagger a sword, blood kept out.
Minus the departure: spoony one wandering the streets, stubborn minus ten degrees thoughts.
Shallow, choose to leave. He is a person walk on the streets, and as the same listening to a familiar music, stubborn miss those who give him joy and pain. He let go, shallow said to me, have enough, he's nothing can do, so it's over.
In days of shallow and meditate ル: this is how the story ends, shallow sadness originated from those commitments. Just, that person of shallow from waste commitment. Now, shallow wasn't blame that man. Shallow one, with stubborn thoughts toward the sky that slice of belong to him.

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