Sunday, June 26, 2011

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But LouZeDong and officialdom in which to look not to come out with this is, Chen intentionally. "You this is morning....... You don't want to look down on me with me

Drink isn't it? I tell you you're drunk can in my rest here anyway I have here lounge if you don't drink with me today don't you come up with this door. "A little angry LouZeDong said.
Chen listened to also glad to be in brilliant hotel pack inside he can and MiaoYin do some others cannot things I have haven't touched a MiaoYin 13....... "Well, we'll be there right away. Then you give your father mother on the phone I'll send car past connect them." Chen said happily.louis vuitton outlet

In MiaoYin in the dormitory of the Korea of glare of the miao mom said, "even if I see the aunt you don't make MiaoYin me see the love dearly. As long as she felt happiness will do I wouldn't worry her."

Hear a said wen miao's mom feeling more Korea of the text is a rare good man he so like MiaoYin with no bad habits and earned and good if MiaoYin marry him is the blessing of predecessors. "You don't lose heart of wen I'll think of some way to get MiaoYin marry you. The child is not reasonable usually do not know who read at which point, Chen as well as you? Especially he has so many women the devil is the matter?" Miao mom thought of so many women, Chen is don't want to let the MiaoYin with Chen. His daughter, Chen with the also don't know is sitting to the finishers.......

"It's not good as if let you and MiaoYin Buenos Aires." Korea's item or feel embarrassed, just talk to mom was said understand if MiaoYin Chen with her and deny MiaoYin the daughter.

"What's the bad if let little the only bad with Chen!!!!! Miao mom thinking about just MiaoYin don't listen to his words ran out and angry "the Chen also don't know to what the little little also not to hear my words. But, you don't worry about a little's most filial piety her will listen to us."

Korea WenDian a nod "thank aunt I also is very like MiaoYin otherwise I also unknown know at the MiaoYin will win her over deviled her anaerobic also."

"Nothing this thing you can count on me! I must let small feed to listen to me." Miao mom caught that's no guarantee.

When MiaoYin call parents go to brilliant hotel have a meal of the time miao miao mom would not go to dad and said they will not go down so MiaoYin confess MiaoYin the daughter. And to say we do they call Korea they bought a article as back to the province of c ticket.

MiaoYin listen to parents said to back to the province also a bit dim in the c. But she also know it is sure to resist with their parents

Otherwise, they will still call themselves married Korea of text. Then she also whether his parents back to c province anyway, they go back or in the city and will often called a come bother yourself, South Korea.louis vuitton handbags

Chen stressed MiaoYin is also looking at heart sad but no matter how sad or to insist that he can't get MiaoYin to marry to Korea, a. So he immediately gave LongDing secretary xiao li a call. "Secretary li hello I am Chen."

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