Wednesday, June 8, 2011

In creating some sort of eternal

A peacock train, beautiful moments; Popular turn is fleeting, resplendent. Yuhua blossom, instantly a presently. It seems, time thing is so strange, beautiful, always instant beautiful moment. So, people often to regrets; And so, people often go to try to capture the beautiful moments. louis vuitton damier purses

Instantly, is always and eternal relative. When we focus on the moment, we are ever dreamt, maybe we are creating a certain eternal?

Mr. Yu qiuyu in the three decades of weight, tells a story that a. Thirty years ago, he and classmates drew a yera middle school language teacher, for 30 years later, the teacher call ask him, when the card is lost, whether can you painted a gave him as old age the most valuable collections. Very ordinary story, very simple feelings, but deep touches.

30 years ago "that point occurs in the plain," the heart of authors and that classmate, perhaps have been forgotten in a corner, for him, it's the life on the road in a hurry but scenery. Good, this way scenery beautiful before, they also have drinking in the beauty of, but they put this beautiful heroine in moments. They are forgotten, but "unexpectedly deeply engraved in an elder heart, 30 years between the years carved all wear."

For the teacher is concerned, that card also however is life's a small ornament stopped, but he did not let it goes by so fast, he carefully put it stopped in eternity. It is also the eternal, make the card had three years of weight; It's also three years of earth, that the true across space-time, become eternal.

Never thought spanning spatio-temporal weight, so never want to create eternity.

Actually, fine to come, perhaps in many nonchalant instantaneous, we inadvertently created some sort of eternity. Like a peacock, meteors and broad-leaved epiphyllum, they so beautiful as, but never please beautiful stay. However, in the beautiful when the moment and for people, they have created beautiful impression.

Perhaps, long before, we had told parents to say a "I love you", we had told the teacher say a "hello", or when we are in a "partner said forever friend", all these are already we're forgotten, but perhaps we didn't notice, some have gone through a long time and space, still heart engrave in one person, always bring some warmth. louis vuitton damier graphite canvas

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