Monday, June 20, 2011

Ran out of his speed

This is an entirely new sort of sprint game: in very flat the playground was on the ground, every 1 to 2 meters at a long rope, the whole division is like a page HengGeZhi, participants speak was cast from above the eyes run, and can't step to rope (if stepped on ropes even if automatic give up games).

Formal before the game, all of the participants were summoned to the playground, let him (she) people visit, familiar with the "landscape", also can preview of a run, run on it for feeling, to remember the location of the ropes, accomplish know fairly well, and then, all of the participants were brought into a room, all been overshadowed the eyes. lognjj yaplog blog 

Starting gun, official games begin.
Most participants are carefully, for fear of running on ropes to be eliminated. Only a boy, desperate to raced to the end. As a result, he became the first, won the title. Originally, on all the contestants were brought into the house with his eyes, the rope was removed, the road all without an obstacle.

Other participants though all not be eliminated, one of the game can be a sprint "record" person, time used long can't imagine.

Trainer asked the young man, what he was thinking. Young man answered directly: "to be washed out, even fouls, fall, face, and ran out of his speed......" The result, he got the best attitude award.
In daily work and life, people meet, more often than not, the biggest obstacle in the environment and external conditions, but their own too many "experience" and "common sense", which produces and all kinds of concerns and suspicion. So being too timid to act, his own inner completely stumble live, often cause a sign of weakness, fear and suspicion habit. misjw blogspot blog

Only recognize and overcome the empirical and theoretical "interfere with psychological", we might just focus on efficiently and pleasant to work life.

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