Monday, June 13, 2011

Numerous childhood pranks they

Happened to see the movie, I like the French comedy, I love the French comedy uninhibited too.
You have game spirit? Do you dare to play life? You play up? To try.
Very good movie, grew up playing old of two people, hurt each other, each other crazy love.
Everything can bring poking fun at, school, the garden of Eden god, funeral and wedding, and, of course, to love them ruthless damage, until one day when you see that you can't do without him, you would never cannot play.
Sophie, Julian, childhood playmates, because a painted carousel iron boxes, because a simple love and compassion, like crazy and have lost the game, to bet on wins appearance of people can put forward to win back the conditions of the drum, always say to each other: you dare to do? Then a series of breaking stereotypes, wickedness eleven, something really crazy games coming up, glasses until started playing hurt each other with the game, started to play a year, see not, and not four years, not ten years, no--
When I was a child they countless prank, loose the school bus the hand brake make unmanned, ask questions of the teacher ShiShuiLei words of words, in the principal lectured pee...... when The most fun is Julian dreams the case inside, Julian and Sophie incarnation Adam and eve in the garden of Eden, plush snake cocked his mouth with A word of the beginning of mishael, what are the Sophie edition eve to Julian version of apple's huge, Adam asked he dare bite and Julian without thinking of the began to laugh, emphasize on apple principal of discipline incarnation as A wearing A white robe makeup look ridiculous god, threatening two children with with infinite evil--
Julian lose mother, Sophie at the funeral, but with a wreath of singing father had to let two people in a bed, Sophie grew up for win back baby iron boxes wears outside underwear to test math, chatting up outside the window for bet to win Julian earrings and to lure to take an examination of girl, two people to get the precious iron boxes and to play sports and teacher, hurt each other with the two play with fire guy decided to cold war a year--
In fact is four years before they meet again, meet is the challenge. Julian working restaurant in Sophie under the eyes of the take off her don't like pants and shoes, Sophie in costumes on dinner is Julian rinse thought he was in the marriage proposal to really just Julian please her to do, in a church wedding Sophie thrown out rolled iron boxes of Julian feet provocation to the priest said no, Julian wedding destroyed by the father and son Julian break, Julian covered her eyes in the Sophie threw the train tracks, the blessing of the Mercedes near-death Sophie hell, four years respectively to meet again, unexpectedly is deeper hurt each other.
Ten years later, Sophie use a Courier to Julian and alarm about, to avoid the police after Julian crash, Sophie thought explosion accident lost pained to cry, Julian in sewing wound by Julian fool Sophie and uncontrollable coughing crazy laugh--
Like Julian to the nagging children roar of the way, you dare on the wedding, the bride said not to cry? You dare stay faithful crazy love a person? You dare ten years of silence waiting?

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